Private Services

Speech-language therapy in Regina Saskatchewan

Speech-language therapy

We are committed to providing exceptional, family-centred, therapy services. We provide assessment, consultation, and treatment for both children and adults.

occupational therapy services in regina saskatchewan

Occupational therapy

We offer services in the areas of: general pediatrics, sensory processing disorders, developmental delays, independence in daily living skills (dressing, eating, sleeping), and self-regulation.

Tutoring services offered in Regina Saskatchewan

Tutoring services

We offer private tutoring services to help children with their growth in academic skills. Our line-up of tutors offers support for children in grades ranging from Pre-K to grade 6.

Autism assessments

Wondering if your child is autistic? We offer complete autism assessment services from an experienced Clinical Child Psychologist, Dr. Heather Switzer.


Looking for online booking?

We specifically do not offer this feature for all of our services because we care deeply about ensuring you are paired with services and/or clinicians that are best-matched for your needs. We know you are looking for a qualified, experienced service provider who can effectively support your specific needs, and it is our ethical duty to ensure you achieve this! Use the CONTACT US page or send us an email (at to inquire about our services and we will ensure you are connected with the best clinician/services for your needs.